Does Jesus Deserve To Die For Our Sins Essay

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When Jesus died he received the right to "save" or "rescue" individuals. He did not deserve to die. Therefore he was sinless. It was his choice to sacrifice himself for the sins of man. It is personal choice and he has left that decision to individuals whether or not he died for the sins of man.
In order to rescue man from the penalty of their committed sins, a sinless individual had to die. Jesus, who did not deserve to physically die, had to choose to die for mankind. Jesus did just that.
“So Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await him. Hebrews 9:28”
The argument that “Christ died for our sins” has been debated at length for …show more content…

At the same time he rejected the notion that the devil has anything to do with the process of salvation; it is gods absolute act. According to testimony’s outlined in the bible, sin separates us from god and hands us over to death. Through Christ’s death, he suffered in a substituting and expiatory way to end mans separation from god and the subjection to death. Anselm’s emphasis was not on Christ embodying man and atoning his sins but on Christ satisfying Gods justice. (Scwartz p257)

Anselm argues that because of the fall of Adam and Eve, all human beings, from the moment they have developed a rational soul and thus a will, lack the justice they ought to have. Sin is, by definition, the lack of justice that one ought to have, so this deficiency in all human beings is considered as sin. Otherwise considered as original sin for dual reasons.
Most important “it is received in one’s origin”: that is, such injustice characterizes the will from the time each person in particular begins to exist.
The second notion, “individual human beings derive it from those from who their nature has its origin” from such, damnation follows. (Visser, Williams

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