Does It Important To Feedback Be Successful?

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“This you know, my beloved brethren but everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slower to anger” James 1:19 (Dake’s Annontated Reference Bible). It is important to remember that when people are trying to help you that you should listen to what they have to say and you should not get angry about what they are telling you. As Christians, we understand the importance of taking advice from others so that we can grow. It is essential to except feedback and listen to what others are telling us so that we can improve who we are and advance our skills. It is important to never get angry about the feedback we receive when it is given so that we can become a better person. This paper will talk about the different ways to receive feedback …show more content…

Constructive feedback is communicating information or perceptions with individuals about the quality, impact, or nature of their behavior (Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy, 2012). Feedback does not only have to come from a supervisor to an employee it can be peer-to-peer or a leader can seek feedback from a subordinate (Hughes et al., 2012). Feedback is essential for any program to work especially a leadership development program. Feedback must be helpful, direct, specific, descriptive, timely and flexible (Hughes et al., 2012). The point of feedback in a leadership development program is to improve a person’s leadership skills. This can be done by providing participants with positive or negative feedback about their performance. The feedback must be helpful and specific to improving their leadership skills. Feedback is not only important for participants to receive, but it is also important for the organization to receive feedback about the leadership development program. Feedback will also help improve the program and find better ways to teach participants leadership …show more content…

Coaching is used to help improve a specific skill in an individual (Goldman, Wesner, & Karnchanomai, 2013). The fleet leadership development program will implement coaching not only using supervisors but also using peer-to-peer coaching practices. This will help participants learn how to spot leadership development opportunities as well as improve others leadership skills. Coaching can be used in the fleet leadership development program at any time after the assessments and implementation of the program have begun. Coaching peer-to-peer will be helpful for all participants because it will allow them to provide feedback to others and to receive feedback from other

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