Documentary: Forks Over Knives

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In the documentary of Forks Over Knives almost everyone in America could agree that there is a major problem with our country's diet. Our overload of processed and fatty foods is only part of the problem. The over consumption of meat and dairy products is also a huge issue. I remember discussing a lecture in class when we discussed nutrition. Which is the process of providing the food or obtaining it necessary for health and growth. The farm animals are pumped with hormones and are tightly packed into lots. They are slaughtered in highly unsanitary factories. The idea that meat and dairy products are unhealthy cannot be expressed without making many people upset. The idea may seem radical, especially in America, but watching this film, there …show more content…

I was able to see patients and how they were being documented on their success stories. I found it to be inspirational and motivational. I am overweight and I am working out and trying to eat better, however, I am not in optimal shape as of yet. Watching this film has definitely inspired me and I tend to start making changes so that I can get into the best shape of my life. Forks Over Knives is a film that can be controlled or even reversed, by simply giving up processed and animal-based foods. This is what happened to one of the patients in the film. SanDera Nation was one of the patients in this film. She was a mother working at a hospital. Her diet consisted of heavy cafeteria meals and fast food. She eventually had high blood pressure and had been diagnosed with diabetes. She then went on a strictly plant based diet, and in a few weeks she had lost a great amount of weight, lowered her blood pressure, and reversed her diabetes. With that being said, I know that eating well and putting forth the effort to making changes can indeed make a lot of things better for anyone's health. Some may think that although meat and diary may not be the best for one's health, it's a way to enjoy them in smaller quantities, however, we

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