Do People Justify Muslims As Terrorists?

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People label Muslims as terrorists. They think that Islam is the devil’s practice and it is a sin to convert to Islam. This occurs in contemporary Western society. Islam is a peaceful religion.
One of the most misunderstood concepts in Islam leading to this belief is Jihad. Some people think it is a holy war. Other people think that Jihad is striving and effort. Holy war does not exist in Islam. This terminology was generated in Europe during the Crusades and their War against Muslims. In some cases this is correct, “but in reality every single Muslim person carries out Jihad in their lives until the day they die.” (Ahmed). “Muslim terrorist” is an oxymoron; one who truly practices Islam cannot be a terrorist. If anything is mentioned in the …show more content…

First, there is the struggle to purify oneself, called Inner Jihad. A Muslim strives to struggle and become a better Muslim. Also, inner jihad is when Muslim increases knowledge of Islam committing to work hard and to reach goals. Second, there is the struggle to purify immediate surroundings, called Social Jihad. This can be simple as saving a dying plant or as big as helping a neighbor. Third there is the struggle to purify one’s community, called Physical Jihad, the most important Jihad. Muslims are to protect the religion of Islam and stop those who prevent you to practice Islam, without force. A Muslim must “fight in the cause of Allah,” but one should not throw the first punch, “for Allah does not like aggressors” (Quran …show more content…

Soon Jihad started to mean something else. Jihad has been corrupted and misinterpreted by brainwashed so-called Muslims. Media has become a huge factor of changing the meaning of Jihad. People “have implanted a seed in everyone’s head” to make people think, “that Islam and the people who practice it are ‘terrorists,’” the publicity has created fear with America (Ahmed). What Jihad means now is the same as it meant at first. The meaning of Jihad never changes just the interpretations of people’s understanding of Jihad. Muslims are now reclaiming its real

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