Do Actors Get Paid Too Much

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Can you imagine if a popular movie was never made, say the Hunger Games? What if Jennifer Lawrence quit her job on the 1st half of the mockingjay, and the second half was in shambles to find someone who would work, their movie could be ruined! This is the hard and gruelling life of an actor. Day-in, day-out you're working on your movie, and something could go very terribly wrong. This debate is based on the fact that actors don’t get payed to much, because of the time and effort they put into their job. The opposite claim is that Actors do get payed to much, because they work around the same time, yet get payed so much more! Actors do not get too much money because of the amount of time they spend on their job, the fact that they have to be active while they do their job, and on average, they are pretty much paid about the same as another person. I know that an actor could be paid …show more content…

They also have to be careful while acting. As shown on the website, actos can sustain serious injuries while filming their movies. For example from the article, Jaimie Alexander, who played a big role in major motion picture’s Thor almost faced being permanently disfigured, just for falling of a set. If an actors choreograph is off by even a little bit, it will throw them off entirely. Actors follow these kind of risks, and they have to be ready in the case of an emergency. Based off of evidence from, acting is not as easy as many think it may be! You need to prowl for auditions, castings, ne movies, and you always want to go big! Also, if you don’t have an acting agent, you will have to find all of your movies on your own, with no help! And if you don’t have help doing movies, who will know to hire you? How will they know you’re even a good

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