Diversity In Hollywood

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According to statistics diversity shows in Hollywood is at the worst it could be. Studies show that Hollywood does a bad job of representing gender, race, ethnicity, or sexual cultures in many of their productions. "Just 28.3 percent of characters with dialogue were from non-white racial/ethnic groups, though such groups are nearly 40 percent of the U.S. population" (Deggans). These statistics show that many of the characters in movies and TV shows are people who make up half the U.S. that only a quarter of them are used. Hollywood does not completely show different minorities other than white. There are studies that have stated that Hollywood movies are doing worse than regular television shows. "Overall, the study found half the films and …show more content…

They tested out on TV shows and movies and it shows that many of the characters are all from different racial group although Hispanics fall short from TV productions. After researchers examined 100 films and 305 shows it showed that only a good amount of 10 production industries show people of color. In the years that have passed there has not been any kind of change in the Hollywood Productions. There are a couple of shows that can be named that show this lack of diversity. One show that can be put into example on this is the show from the 1990's "Friends." Friends is a show that has six main characters who are all best friends. New York is said to be made up of more than two quarters of non-Hispanic white people. In the show, all six of the characters are light skin none of any other tone. The show did not only have their main characters white but statistics show that even many of their sub characters were also, light skin. As times has passed you would have thought so did television diversity although hit show "Girls" show that they have not. This show also takes place in New York City and once again their characters are all …show more content…

Many of the characters are known to be white rather than any other race. This helps show that many shows and movies are not equally divided when it comes to racial backgrounds. Many directors choose to hide the true identity of the character by placing a white minority in its place. "Over a dozen times, Hollywood has taken source material (everything from real life to novels to Japanese anime) that featured people of color and turned it into movies starring white people"(Simons). This information helps backup the argument over how white people are usually the ones selected to play a certain character. An example that shows this problem is when Joseph Fiennes was selected to play the role of Michael Jackson in a movie that was aired on television. Michael Jackson was an African American man who had a white man play his role in a movie which shows that they basically do not care for racial backgrounds. Another example would be with the new movie that came out for kids which was "Avatar: The Last Airbender." All these characters are Asian and Inuit yet when the TV producers selected the characters all of them were none of the same race. The actors

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