Divergent And Convergent Thinking

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There are two strategies of learning that are essential to the way we solve problems, generate ideas, and process information; these two strategies are called convergent and divergent thinking. Our education system is mainly defined by a convergent style of thinking, which focuses on typical intelligence. Convergent thinking is the practice of solving a problem quickly and efficiently, by choosing the single best solution from many. Divergent thinking, is taking a problem or “challenge,” and attempting to indicate all possible solutions, listing all of the ways the problem could be addressed (Charron). As I have stated before, There is a large focus on convergent based thinking in schools. Although knowledge based skills are necessary to know, …show more content…

A vital aspect of convergent thinking is that it creates one right answer, which also means there is no room for doubt; or skepticism. Your answer is either right or wrong.
Although it is important to be able to think convergently, it is also just as important that students can think creatively. Divergent thinking is important for coming up with your own innovative ideas, learning from others, learning basic social skills, as well as learning from mistakes. Being able to make mistakes and learn from them is a major factor of becoming successful. Every successful person has tried and failed many times, which is one thing that divergent thinking allows-room to learn and grow from mistakes.
Schools should not reduce education to academic intelligence and “direct instruction.” Decreasing the emphasis on standardized testing in schools, and replacing with innovation and creativity would improve the academic environment and promote a sense of motivation to students. One way to do this would be to advocate collaboration. Collaboration ties into divergent thinking, as it encourages students to come together to teach each other. Collaboration teaches students to learn cooperation, improves social and interpersonal skills, and helps create a better understanding of the materials being learned, through discussion and team effort. We are by nature, social beings, and I believe being social is also the best way to learn. The most fulfilling way to learn and prepare for …show more content…

Collaborative learning (divergent thinking) in schools may be achieved by mixing up learning styles, decreasing emphasis on standardized testing as a measure of what a student knows, encouraging students to work together to come up with a solution, creating group projects, student “collaborative” sessions,
“brainstorming” in class, and engaging students with fun and interactive activities.
Another issue I believe is holding us back from creating the best learning opportunity is the lack of coaching for our educators to become better teachers. Teachers need the quality, professional training necessary to effectively incorporate creative thinking and individualism into the modern day classroom, as an alternative to teaching every student a single body of knowledge. This would improve the learning experience and increase a student's motivation to want to learn. School needs to be fun again, and half of that issue largely relates to how an educator teaches, their learning style, and attitude, among other things.

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