Critical review on Robert Gagne´s Nine Events of Instruction

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Critical review on Gagne nine events of Instructions During the early years and eras, there were many learning theories such as behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and etc. Each of them gave big impacts on teaching and learning. To be more specific, Gagne developed nine events or steps used in instructions for teaching and learning and it is called Gagne nine events of instructions. From what I have learned in the last lecture, these nine events are still relevance and applicable even though it needs to be improve a little bit. But yet, it could still give a big impact towards teaching and learning until nowadays. For me, these nine events can provide learning guidance in education filed especially for teachers including me. It was more like a checklist or a guideline and it really beneficial to be applied in teaching and learning. The first event or step of instruction is gain attention. For me, it is a must and important for an educator to begin the class with a short welcoming session. The questions like “How are you today?”, “Did you taking your breakfast or not?” can increase the level of interest among students to learn on that day. For Muslim especially, the teachers give salam during they entering the class. It is good and this first event must be continuously applied. The second event is informing the learners of purposes, objectives or goals. It is also a must for teachers to inform students on what they want to teach that day and what their expectations towards their students are. It is still relevance to be applied until now. This second event is important because students need to know what the expectations from their teachers towards them are. In addition, when students know the purposes, objectives or goals... ... middle of paper ... ...nd make similar problem situations, and then, they provided the students with a little bit of practice because practice makes perfect! After that, teachers may put the students on the situation given just now. To conclude, Gagne nine events of instructions have many significances and I have mentioned all of it in the paragraphs above. All of the nine events are very important because it were interrelated. Therefore, it is applicable until now and for me, there are some events that can be jump to other events because cognitive level of students or learners is not same. Sincerely, I hope it can be restructured back but not too much in order to fit on students’ level of knowledge. In my other perspective, these events can help instructors or teachers to build a framework in teaching and learning. There is no doubt that it still beneficial and useful until now.

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