Distracted Driving: A Growing Problem Among Today's Drivers

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Today's Drivers

Distracted driving is a growing problem among today’s drivers. Since the advancements in technology, and the more hectic a person's schedule the more distracted the are likely to become. Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment or navigation system—anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving The concern with being distracted while driving is not being able to react to hazards on the road or becoming the hazard on the road that another distracted driver may not be able to avoid. The three main distractions are categorized as manual, visual, and cognitive according to the DMV. Do to more hectic schedules and lives, more people are having to rely on fast food meals and most eat these meals while they are driving. Manual driving is the distractions that cause you to take one or both hands off of the wheel. Such as when you are going through the drive through to grab your lunch or dinner and decide to eat the food while driving on your way to your next destination. Have you ever had a delicious been eating thing from a fast food restaurant and drop a piece and look down to get it off your shirt before it stains and look up to realize that the …show more content…

When a drivers eyes wonder off of the road this is labeled as visual driving distractions. More and more accidents are the results of texting and driving. States such as New York have installed text stops for this reason, so that drivers have a safe place to pull over and reply to text and phone calls along the way. Manufacturers of vehicles, however, are installing screens into cars that also cause distractions by the driver turning their focus from the road the screen such as visual directions by GPS or changing of a radio

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