Discuss The Impact Of John O'sullivan On American Imperialism

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John O’Sullivan was an American columnist and editor for the United States Magazine and Democratic Review. Like any other powerful country imperialism- or rather expansionism- was important to growing more powerful and nationalistic country. O’Sullivan used the term manifest destiny to communicate the land conquest of America. Although, he specifically used the term to describe the rapid movement of America expanding. The mid-19th century belief was that the expansion of America was inevitable- it was necessary to expand from coast to coast (Opposing Viewpoints Book pg.128-129). Underlying the American mission was a feeling of cultural-or racial-superiority. Americans believed that they had a right to move west. Americans began their quest …show more content…

As one of his deeds, he began expanding the Union starting with Texas. Texas was a large land mass previously owned by Mexico. However, Texas won their independence and desired to be annexed into the Union. Polk began the process of annexation, thus declaring war against Mexico. The war between the rivaling countries was known as the Mexican-American War. The Mexican-American War was the first American military conflict fought on foreign soil and the first to be closely reported by the press. The war ended with American victory and a treaty that increased the nation's size by more than half a million square miles. This rapid expansion of the nation's land area, coupled with dramatic military successes and other reforms fueled theories of racial supremacy and national pride to produce manifest destiny. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was a treaty to officially end the Mexican-American War. Mexico was defeated by America in 1847. The dispute between the rivaling countries started over the territory known as Texas. The treaty granted 525,000 square miles to the Union creating the present-day states of Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming, New Mexico, Utah, and parts of California. America also won Texas expanding America’s territory to the Rio Grande. In return, America paid Mexico $15 million and settled all previous claims between the two. The southwest region of the United …show more content…

The lasting impact of that notion could be seen in George Bush's idea of bringing democracy to the countries of the world. The term itself may not have the same flavor as it did during the mid-1800’s. Although, the lasting notion left on America today was because of the nature of America's superiority in relation to other countries. The view at the time was that America was bolder, bigger, better than other countries; therefore, Americans felt obliged to spread our ideals and exert influence where possible because we “should.” Manifest destiny was a simple idea that captured that zeal at the time easily used to give a “legitimizing reason” to pursue expanding the territory of the United States from sea to

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