What Is Robert Lee's Role In The Mexican War

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Robert E. Lee once said, “What a cruel thing war is... to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors.” The Mexican war is about to start and Robert E. Lee will play a big part in it. Before and during the Mexican war, Lee will serve under General Winfield Scott, and Scott will have great influence on him (History.com “American Civil”). America had an idea of “Manifest Destiny which was American who believed it was their destiny to spread their culture across the continent to the Pacific. During the Mexican War, Lee proved to be a combat leader, leading to his involvement in the Civil War for the Confederate States of America (Robert Rudolph). Robert E. Lee achieved much success in the Mexican and Civil War. He was born in …show more content…

Later they wanted to annex it but Mexico said that any attempts to annex Texas would be an act of war. The Mexican War started in 1846, when Mexicans attacked a group of United States soldiers, under the command of Zachary Taylor, in a disputed zone on the border of United States and Mexico, killing about a dozen American soldiers. President Polk told the U.S. Congress that the “cup of forbearance has been exhausted” which means the Mexicans hit the last straw and it is time for war. President Polk sent General Zachary Taylor to Nueces River vs. Rio Grande to poke the Mexicans to shoot and they did. The Mexicans have shed “American blood upon American soil.” The United States wanted war with Mexico now they have a reason to declare war ( History.com …show more content…

General Winfield Scott took part in the War of 1812 and by the end he had moved up to being the Brevet Major General. In this he had gotten the nickname old Fuss and feathers from an award he got for teaching discipline. One of Scott's greatest battles in the Mexican War was the Battle at Vera Cruz where he made a plan that won them the battle. Later in the Civil War he will create a plan called the “Anaconda” plan in which the North blockades or “strangles” the South. (PBS) General Winfield Scott ordered Lee to become his head engineer. Lee helped Scott on an amphibious attack at Brazos, Texas and then the march to Mexico City. Scott Trusted lee completely allowing him to make decisions close to a commander. The enemy held the upper hand in Jalapa. Lee got Scott to use a route he discovered, leading to the victory in the battle of Cerro Gordo. Lee won the brevet rank of major because of

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