Discrimination In Dr. King's Letter From Birmingham Jail

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Over many years and even thousands of years minorities experience an increase in discrimination and too much of it goes unjustified. Injustice means the lack of fairness or justice. Dr. King wrote the “Letter From Birmingham Jail” and talks about discrimination and several more important topics, after being arrested for peacefully demonstrating against segregation and racial terror. Discrimination always have and always will be a part of today's society it might not be moreso open as it used to be but it's still there and one day the protesting and all of the movements that have came to be will go unnoticed and there will be a stop put to it.

Racial terror has became a problem in today's world and what quote stands out is where Dr.King …show more content…

King states, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” For example, a black man was shot and killed by a police officers while reaching for his wallet after being pulled over. When the news publicized this it made the black community fear police officers across the nation. Proving that one act of injustice anywhere could threaten justice everywhere else.

Although, all lives matter anywhere and everywhere but what traumatizes black communities is that the news covers all of the shooting and puts them all over television and social media but still their is no justice put towards it, it goes unnoticed and forgot about until it happens again. Such as, the Trayvon Martin shooting he was shot and killed and no justice was put towards it, black communities protested several times and sooner or later the protesting died out and everyone forgot about it until the next shooting happened which was Mike Brown. Protesting has always been apart of the United States and even other places but it has also changed tremendously due to the fact no one fights for justice they just hope it'll come, protesting during times such as the Civil Rights, men, women, and even children would protest day and night for weeks to finally put a stop to things, now people protest for a couple of hours till finally someone steps up and clears the streets and everything dies down and its a repeated

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