Discovery Of Water On Mars

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Imagine that you are the first human to be on the surface of Mars, taking the next step into the dream of humans. Exploring unfamiliar planets, which could have had life or maybe still do. You, the next Neil Armstrong, that will be told about in stories. Getting to be the farthest human ever to go from Earth. All of the mysteries of the Red Planet about to be revealed with one discovery. So far without humans on the planet, we have found water. According to most scientists “water is the requisite ingredient for producing life”(Mars Rover). This was a major discovery because now we have more leads to conclude that Mars was once wet. Before this discovery, we didn't realize that most of the surface looked like lakes and river. Maybe Earth and …show more content…

With the discovery of water, we can now think about if there is or was life there or in other places in the universe. Stuart Clark, a NASA scientist revealed that the robots on Mars, Spirit and Opportunity, have been able to travel around the planet to the places scientist have detected as wet and taken samples and found that the soil is wet and that the air contains a lot more humidity in it than they thought (Water on Mars). This helps that theory that water is on mars because Earth has a humid atmosphere because of our oceans. The question “is there or was there life on Mars?” Came one step closer to the discovery of water. Since water plays a major key role in life because it contains oxygen, there is a possibility that species could have been able to breathe long ago. We know that there is an Atmosphere on Mars, but it is a very thin atmosphere, so with barely any oxygen, which would mean that the planet is most likely deserted. Things like other If we could get some astronauts that could dig into the planet we could find fossils like we have with the dinosaurs. With a discovery of a fossil, we would know that we are not on the only planet able to make a life. The Kepler Satellite has been searching the universe for a long time and has found over one thousand planets and only one that is like ours, Kepler-186f. If I was the director of NASA I would have already …show more content…

Sending a man to mars is so much more important to me than most people because it holds many mysteries about the earth. Maybe something happened to Mars to turn it the way it is and that happened to us. Possibly we could prepare ourselves for that. Also, I would love to be the first person on a planet and to so successful at something so much bigger than just being rich. Planets are so amazing because they are not all the same and so when one is found there needs to be scientist sent to learn about it. Mars is so crazy because it looks like Earth, in size and but its climate was changed dramatically and if we could find out what made it like that, we could save our own planet even. There is a major con, the cost, but we can make a way to prevent the cost of this mission to be so gigantic. We could have the US and its allies all be part of the mission. They could help pay for the space shuttle, materials needed, and the astronauts could all be from different countries, but all part of one team. This idea would give all countries that we are friends with knowledge of the planet and it would save the US from going into serious debt. Today many people say that we are polluting the Earth with things like cars and if this did destroy it we could have a second chance. This mission isn't just for knowledge, it is

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