Discourse In The Workplace

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The use of discourse as a lever for change was not initially thought of as a formidable avenue to garner change. Discourse, before further examination, seemed to be something that would cause chaos and confusion for an organization enthralled in the pursuit of change. Nevertheless, change, as a strategy was another way to foresee discourse more positively. This is the power of linguistic expression to take words and catapult them into action for purpose of effective organizational management of change. According to Clegg (2016), change as strategy takes a visionary approach because the focus is on the future and must be communicated effectively with intelligibility, which makes discourse legitimate. Even though discourse can challenge social norms and create assumptions, it provides an opportunity to create organizational change influenced by leadership …show more content…

Brazzel (2014) noted that change is subject to failure without congruency of work and tasks of an organization. Harmony in the workplace has to be felt by employees to motivate them and create a climate and culture for organizational change, because, it is “this ‘feel’ that directs and motivates employee efforts (Schneider, Brief, and Guzzo, 1996, p. 7.”) The message was clear that how you start determines how you finish; therefore, leadership has to make the vision and mission of the organization an experience where everyone can get involved. Leaders also have to realize that change, even with good intensions can be stressful and need to be addressed and not ignored. For example, a former coworker of mine was overlooked for a promotion after being at TRICARE for sometime and someone else was hired instead. Most of the staff was upset, but management met with us and heard grievances, which improved working relationships going

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