Disadvantages Of Wood Shortage

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Wood Shortage

Global warming has been an ongoing battle in the world that has been used in excuses of people who love nature. It has been proven to the world that trees are a renewable resource that will not hurt the environment. Wood is a strong and dependable material that can decompose and become nature again. The bad is how destructive it is to nature by taking all the lumber away, but in a short amount of time the damage can be healed. Even though global warming and logging are said to be depleting our wood supply, using wood for construction is important because wood is the best material to use for construction since it is readily available.
Wood is said to be vastly depleting since the late 1970’s from logging and deforestation. But …show more content…

A con for logging is the deforestation of the wildlife forests and the emissions from the equipment used to cut them down. That’s at least what the public is told by those who don’t exactly know there facts. As Chad Oliver the author of “Why our buildings should be made of wood” says “The 3.4 billion cubic meters of wood harvested each year accounts for only 20 percent of new annual growth. Increasing the wood harvest to 34 percent or more would have several profound and positive effects. Emissions amounting to 14 to 31 percent of global CO2 would be avoided by creating less steel and concrete, and by storing CO2 in the cell structure of wood products. A further 12 to 19 percent of annual global fossil fuel consumption would be saved, including savings from burning scrap wood and unsellable materials for energy.” The profound effects mentioned are that when all this lumber is cleared out and the forest is bare, that there is room for that much new life to grow so there is no overpopulation. The only cons showed here are with the other material industries if wood stays a major

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