Disabling Labeling

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As a society we believe that praise to children has a positive effect on their development. We often children for their accomplishments I hopes that it will continue to boost their self-esteem and motivation. Adults often rely on praise to influence children behavior. Although praise often had positive results, it should be carefully administer to ensure that children are being praised correctly. Various psychological and social implications play a role in how children are praised.
Although labels are meant to be purposeful and usually associated with a positive effect, using labels on children can also have opposite influence. Positive as well as negative labels coincide with disabling children. Pam Nicholson indicates in her article, “Freeing Your Children from Disabling Labeling”, that considering the fact that kids are sponges and they imbibe labels. These tags stick, making a great impinge on children’s emotional health and developing relationships. “Labels carry messages that often confine a child to a particular role or behavior”, therefore they cultivate in the tags or labels that they are planted in. Children “are not born with a positive self-image.” or a …show more content…

However, over praising or underpraising children, may have a negative impact. Overpraising results in belittling the importance of hard work. Over praising or “empty praises” doesn’t challenge children and often correlates to narcissism. This, later causes later causes them to be disappointed with life because when they hit with the real world it reflected. Over praises are handicaps for individuals and gives them a sense of entitlement or expect life to be easy for them. While over under praising has children frequently look for “external approval and long-term sense of insecurity. Without praise children feel discourage and have a lack of enthusiasm or even try to seek the nutrients for this stimuli

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