Directing Act One Scene Two of A Midsummer's Nights Dream by William Shakespeare

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Directing Act One Scene Two of A Midsummer's Nights Dream by William Shakespeare At the beginning of the scene Quince would enter to Snug, Flute, Snout and Starveling all seated round the upstage side of a large wooden table, which is situated on the apron of the stage, lively and drunkardly jostling with each other. I would choose to have Bottom standing in front of the table to represent his almost exaggerated feeling of superiority over the others and then seat himself at the centre of the table on the entrance of Quince. On the line beginning, "Ready. Name what part…" Bottom would stand and dramatically form a pose to suggest a, "lover" and then a, "tyrant" playing up to the other men who, apart from Quince, are absorbed by his act. On his recital of the two stanzas of poetry I would direct him to step forward and dramatically deliver the lines with serious conviction, which is looked on with awe by the men but seen humorously for its pretentiousness by the audience. On the line, "What is Thisby? A wand'ring knight?" Flu, whom I would cast as being large and particularly hairy, would stand on the bench gallantly with a foot on the table and his fists clenched to accentuate the humour in the fact he has to play the woman of the play. Meanwhile Bottom who has remained forward adopts a feminine pose for line 44. When instructed, "No ,no, you must play Pyramus" he resumes to theatrically thinking through his role in front of the table whilst trying to take control of the meeting- much to the increasing annoyance of Quince who I would direct to gradually edge his way forward throughout the scene in order to out-do Bottom, who is arrogantly oblivious to this. I would cast Snug as being small and dopey looking and direct him to appear slow and innocently simple throughout the scene. On the deliverance of his line I would direct him to stand timidly so that an exited Bottom could frighten him into quickly resuming his seat by

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