Digital Media Analysis

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This work seeks to analyse the cohorts born in the late 1990s and beyond, concerning crime rate in America in relation to the ones born before these ages. In this attempt, the main preoccupation is to investigate the effects of digital media on children. According to the recent findings, the people born around these ages have dominantly engaged in various crimes, meaning that the crime rate witnessed among the youths have gone in these young generation compared to their predecessors (Farrington, Ohlin & Wilson, 2012). It is real that an age group would influence each other to develop a similar pattern in life. For example, the cohorts of the 1990s and beyond are prevalent in homicides and drug takings than before. In fact, the negative picture is evident in the juvenile courts where many young people are accused of murder and engagement in drugs. This is evidently through the use of digital media with its contents that share violent information that these children can access and share.
Young people easily get and accelerate information by a simple press of a button in a computer or a smart phone. In addition, they watch many materials in the media that instil the spirit of crime in them. It is inherently true that nowadays people share ideas faster than it used to happen before. Therefore, there is high potential and a likelihood of many youths sharing …show more content…

It is inherently factual that nowadays people share ideas faster than it used to happen before. Therefore, there is high potential and a likelihood of many youths sharing these negative ideas across the globe. The good news is that there is a high possibility of reducing this trend through a dynamic approach. As a result, the government should dedicate some efforts in managing the materials that children access. On the other hand parents and teachers should work together to help in this

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