Differences Affected By The Government In The United States

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American Government

The People and the Government are in contact all the time. Whether it’s out in the streets or in one’s workplace, even in ones own house, the government has had an effect. The government has affected everyone, myself included, through money aspects, driving from place to place, and the education that many receive. The government affects me financially in many ways. First off, the government has a set minimum wage, which could be good or bad depending one ones views. Minimum wage in Illinois right now is 7.25. Which if thats what I am making an hour compared to 8.25 then that is a huge difference. Many are living paycheck to paycheck so making a dollar or two more per hour could help ones situation out a great deal. Secondly, the government collects taxes. This is another way government affects me financially because they add a percentage on to the total cost of the item that I purchase. …show more content…

The government has rules for when one is driving so that has an affect on me as well as many others. Drivers are required to wear seat belts, make sure all the lights on the car are in working order and many more laws similar to those. There are also laws that a driver must follow while the car is moving. These include speed limits, stop signs and stop lights, and work zone areas. If one is to disobey these laws set by the government then one could possibly be fined with a ticket, or one could be detained and taken to prison if the crime is bad enough. No matter were one is on the road, the government is always affecting

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