Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD)

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Many people do not know that tasmanian devils exists. If you ask someone about a tasmanian devil they’ll probably tell you about “Taz”, the cartoon character that appeared on the Looney Tunes television show. Taz was portrayed as a ferocious character with a short temper and enormous appetite, which is the exact opposite of what a tasmanian devil is. People may think tasmanian devils act this way due to “Taz”, but they are actually timid and not as ferocious. The tasmanian devil is the world's largest living carnivorous marsupial (animal with a pouch), that earned its name but the scream that they sound off. They are scavengers that use their sharp teeth and claws to feast off of dead animals.
Tasmanian devils are only found on the island of Tasmania, which is south of Australia. They are living as an endangered species due to a cancer outbreak that began in 1996, the outbreak is now known as Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD). The tumour usually forms on the face or neck area which eventually kills the infected devils. The main reason why tumours grow on the face is because when tasmanian devils see each other in the wild they bite each other, mainly on the …show more content…

DFTD is the only cancer that has endangered an entire species, which may make you wonder if this can happen to humans or other animals. Well according to Elizabeth Murchison’s Ted talk, there has been other cases of transmissible cancers. Such as transmissible venereal tumor, which is a sexually transmitted cancer that affects dogs. Murchison also explained the study of a doctor who injected prison inmates with cancer cells in 1957, most of the inmates did not develop cancer but some did. The few that did devople the cancer were sick at the time, which means that their immune system was weak and vulnerable. Ultimately this means that it is rare that cancer cells can be transmitted between people but it is

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