Deuteronomy And Hammurabi Essay

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In comparing the two sources, Code of Hammurabi and The Book of Deuteronomy, there is one similar notion of Justice throughout the both that explains ancient and medieval societies roles. Justice in definition is a concern for the people’s peace and genuine respect for society, through righteous behavior or treatment. In order to keep justice there must be a set of rules, laws, or code of conduct so the ancient societies and society today can live in peace and receive just treatment. In Mesopotamia Hammurabi was the most praised of all kings. Hammurabi established an empire out of Babylon as well as establishing a law during the time 1792-170 B.C. The laws established have the idea that the punishment should fit the crime and a sense of …show more content…

In the Code of Hammurabi and The Book of Deuteronomy they both give the sense of fear through the punishment of death to maintain a loyal ancient society and to keep the word of God and cod of Hammurabi. This is also clear in the Code of Hammurabi and The Book of Deuteronomy, if you do not abide by the laws given then justice will be served to what is seen fit in ancient societies. Deuteronomy explains the death penalty for false prophets and dreamers that would influence you to turn away from God’s law and worship other Gods. Even if it is your family member that tries to entice you to believe in other Gods you must be the first to throw during their stoning. This sounds cruel, but if you compare the justice is just as equal as the Code of Hammurabi. They are both seen to be cruel and unorthodox, but back in ancient societies their cultures and values were based on religion and how important it was to their culture so the repercussions were justifiable. In The Code of Hammurabi and The Book of Deuteronomy justice is a very viable notion carried, defended, and articulated out through ancient societies because it was a valued aspect of their

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