Eliezer Separation From His Father

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His father’s love towards him does not change a bit. His father once bought a present for him: a half rations of bread, bartered for something he had found at the depot, a piece of rubber that could be used to repair a shoe. They both shared whatever was given to them. Eliezer too used to send a piece of bread he got to his father. His father gives his last possession he had with him to Eliezer, A knife and a spoon telling him not to sell it quickly and to use it when in need. Eliezer did not fear death as much as he feared separation from his father. “I was thinking not about death but about not wanting to be separated from my father.”(82 ) He had made up his mind to follow his father wherever he went. But as the end of his father was approaching, Eliezer we see was not besides to save his father and give him a glass of water to quench his thirst as he thought that he would be risking his life if he had to go to be by his side at that point of time. When the alert is on, Eliezer follows the mob not caring about his father and leaving him to die. He knew that his father was running out of strength, close to death, yet he abandons him, as he thought that if he was relieved from the responsibility of his father, he would be able to fight for his own survival. …show more content…

After seeing him, he runs to him. Eliezer takes care of him and gave him the whole glass of coffee he himself wanted so desperately. The Blockälteste reminds Eliezer that being in a concentration he cannot waste time thinking about

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