Destructive Leadership Case Study

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Yes, several negative characteristics of leaders, as researched in various empirical studies, are evident in the organization as perceived by followers. The study or survey of the corporate level, business level as well as the operational level followers of the organisation revealed a common hate for the same types of leadership. These negative, destructive or toxic leadership characteristics that were reported by followers in all three levels of the surveyed organisation are as discussed below,
Einarsen (2007) defines destructive leadership as a systematic and repeated set of behaviours by a leader that have significant negative impact in the organization or employee outcome as perceived by subordinates. This represents the dark side of leadership as researched by Hogan and Hogan (2001). The taxonomy of destructive leadership represents toxic leadership (Lipman-Blumen, 2006), abusive supervision (Tepper, Carr, Breaux, Geider, Hu & …show more content…

This characteristic makes the leader to be impulsive, irresponsible, and extraordinarily (House and Howell, 1992). This leader characteristic is also defined or explained as Self-protective. Self-protective leaders are defined in the journal of leadership as "leaders who ensure the safety of themselves and the group, through status enhancement and face saving endeavors”. This self-protective trait is attributable to narcissism, which is also a toxic triangle factor. The Narcissistic leaders are self-absorbed, attention-seeking, and ignore other's viewpoints or welfare (Conger and Kanungo, 1998) and their leadership style is typically autocratic (Rosenthal and Pittinskya, 2006). “Leaders are not always interested in effecting change for the purpose of benefiting the organization and its members as a whole rather, the leader may be more interested in personal outcomes” (O'Conner, Mumford, Clifton, Gessner & Connelly ,

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