Destroying The Environment Essay

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The earth is being destroyed by humans, more than ever due to society views on conserving. There is no denying that the environment is constantly changing. However, as the environment changes, so does the need to become aware of the problems that come with these changes. Our current environmental problems demand attention because if we don’t take action and, instead ignore these problems, the earth wont last as long as it should. We are destroying the earth with our lack of knowledge and responsibility. There are many ways we are harming the environment, but there are also many ways we can help it, even when we have no control over somethings, there are things we can do to make the earth better, such as switching over to solar and wind power, conserving water, recycling, and being more caring of our wildlife. When man figured out how to harvest the sun’s energy, it was a big deal because they finally found a way to power many things without the use fossil fuel. Solar panels have impacted the world for the better because they’ve helped to slow down global …show more content…

The Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) technique has been developed to reduce water use by up to 30% compared to the continuously flooded conditions typically found in rice systems, while not impacting yield.” (PLoS ONE). Imagine how many gallons of water that is saving, an entire country just cut the majority of their water usage by thirty percent. And that isn’t the only new advancement in watering techniques, many more are created every year in a desperate effort to save water. The agriculture irrigation business has been booming in recent years due to the demand of skilled, college educated, workmen that know different ways to save water and grow a great

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