Desperato Monologue

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Desperato “I am a child of a money hungry, prideful country. Grass is green and it’s always sunny. Hands so bloody, tastes like honey. I’m finding it hard to leave.” I am Desperato. Blinded by “love”, I tell my story with great caution. For I am too unwilling to express my hidden messages. Messages my mind and body communicate with. But what is said in my mind never comes out of my mouth. King Midas put his hands on me again. He said he could make me golden if I just showed some respect. I find myself alone night after night. Wondering what’s wrong with me. Eventually we were only together when he wanted us to be. He constantly reminded me why I don’t have any friends. Fury arose in me like a flame when two rocks hit one another. I said, “I’m …show more content…

Flip the script like I can take a beating.” I woke up somewhere I hadn’t recognized. I jolted up and started looking for my shoes when I heard someone coming. I had a crimson headache and a hickey that wasn’t going away anytime soon. My parents were furious. Usually I would get back at midnight, but Dionysos had slipped something in my drink. They had enough on their hands with Papilionem, my sister. Papilionem, or P, has Epidermolysis Bullosa. At first we were scared for her, but somehow she turned into my hero. I try to be as strong, courageous, and adventurous as her everyday. We’re Heaven in hiding. I always felt like I never belonged in Aureum. Everyone in our house was so different from me. All of my friends had turned on me. The Aureum house was full of people who hated me. Midas, Dionysos, my friends. After awhile I gave up on trying to be good. I fake broke down this wall called “caring”, pasted on a smile, and told myself I only need me. Then I met Helios, an Angelus. I had met people from the Angelus House before, but most of them hate us. We were complete opposites, so we argued all the time. In his eyes, I was Apollo. His charioteer. I had met my new friends through him. All …show more content…

I had knew that it was my fault. “Sometimes I can treat the people I love like jewelry.” I know I can be mean. I know that I run when things are good. I didn’t see it before. So, I’m sorry I can never really believe that anyone can learn to love me. “The told me once, ‘There’s a place where love conquers all’. A city with the streets full of milk and honey. I haven't found it yet, but I'm still searching. All I know is a hopeless place that flows with the blood of my kin. Perhaps hopeless isn't a place, nothing but a state of mind, but nothing here is as it seems.” King Midas refuses to leave me be. I have tried over and over again to convince myself that I’ve moved on, but I’ll always be stuck in this state of mind. “I’m watching you choke down the words that you said. I watch you devour, mistake me for bread.” In an attempt to move on, I focus on myself. I focus on finding friends that I can relate and talk to, but the old Amicis are talking. They warn the others not to trust me. That I’m problematic. I was forced to extremely open up to these new friends. We bonded on the concept of fake Amicis. Even when I opened up that much, I still wasn’t fully comfortable. I realized that I haven’t even said his name once in the past few months. I finally understood that I have to learn how to be alone. I have to learn how to live without someone telling me what to do or helping me, but because of these experiences, I don’t know

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