Desire To Serve

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Seeing the importance of loving and serving others was instilled in me at a young age and as I have grown up I have put in the effort to make it important in my life. My desire to serve has not only found its part in several roles in my life, including my religion, community, and school but also formed a career plan that I am eager to pursue and will help me continue serving in the next stages of my life. A large part of service for me started when I was in elementary school when my mother signed me up for Girl Scouts. Her intention was that it would help me overcome shyness, and while it did help me overcome shyness it also helped motivate me to serve. Within Girl Scouts, I decided to create a project to benefit my community in some way for a Girl Scout Silver Award. My project was to create coloring books for a hospital's waiting rooms and form a drive to help fund printing and to collect paper, markers, and crayons. This endeavor allowed me to use my talents to help a hospital that had helped me when I was younger, which left me with a feeling of satisfaction and the desire to serve even more. …show more content…

Our job was to help those students feel less stress, more at home in a new school before the school year started, and to know what to expect when they showed up to school on their first day. While many students decide to participate in this at some point, I decided to participate each year that I could after I had experienced no one helping me know what to expect as I transitioned to junior high. I remember the amount of fear I had experienced showing up the first day and after that incident, I felt no one deserved that feeling in a mandatory transition and I wanted to help those that I could from being in that

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