Descriptive Essay On The House

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he hot water from the shower beat down upon my body as I sat curled up into a tight ball on the floor of the shower stall. The hissing of the water covered my heavy sobbing as the cascading water mixed with my tears to join the rest of the water being sucked down the drain. My sobbing had stopped about 30 minutes ago but I could still feel my eyes burning sharply from the four hours of non-stop crying beforehand. I tried to face the fact that at the age of 34 my world had ended. Less than six hours ago I had arrived home from work looking to spend some quality time with my husband of 16 years. I called out his name as I entered the house. He was supposed to be off of work today but I found the house mysteriously empty. As I walked through the house, I felt a knowing chill shoot along my spine and headed for the bedroom. Standing at the door, I saw that the closet doors were open and all of my …show more content…

The translucent mist stayed close to the slightly warmer ground; giving the cemetery a deeper, darker gothic look. Above the ancient place, the ring-encircled blue moon glowed brightly casting eerie shadows across the realm of the dead. Leaves tumbled wildly through the damp grass sending rustling sounds throughout the graveyard. At the entrance of the cemetery a shadowy figure slowly pushed open the rusty gate. Oddly, the metal made no sound. Silently the figure stood at the entrance for a few seconds then carefully and with great purpose made its way deeper into the cemetery. Silent granite and marble markers watched through sightless eyes as the figure walked by them seemingly unafraid of the land of the dead. The midnight wind swirled around the marble markers causing a sound that resembled a low whispering moan. As the figure reached the center of the graveyard it removed the heavy, hooded cloak to reveal a young

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