Descriptive Essay On Niagara Falls

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A destination I enjoy visiting officially twice a year would be Niagara Falls. I say officially considering I work only 5 minutes away from Niagara Falls and live only a half hour. With that being said I make it a point to bring the family to take in the attractions and the awesomeness of the Niagara and Horseshoe Falls at least once in the summer visiting both the American and Canadian side as well as another trip in the winter to see the frozen over Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls is about 12,000 years old that formed as stated in (Niagara Falls Canada, 2017) “when melting glaciers formed massive fresh-water lakes (the Great Lakes) one of which (Lake Erie) ran downhill toward another (Lake Ontario). The rushing waters carved out a river in their descent …show more content…

The site offers plenty attractions in which a tourist can experience the power and beauty of Falls from a helicopter tour above the Falls or the maid of the mist below the Falls to my favorite the cave of the winds in which tourist have the opportunity to walk through the Falls on Hurricane deck by taking a elevator ride 175 feet deep into the Niagara Gorge. In addition, the Niagara Parks are equipped with walking paths in the Niagara gorge and along the Niagara river for the tourist that want to see the spectacular rapids created by the flow of Niagara Falls. While a tourist is experience these attractions the tour guides are equipped with enough knowledge about Niagara Falls to give a history lesson on the backgrounds of the specific attraction in addition to other information such as people going over the Falls in a barrel, movies the Falls have been a part of, the inhabitants of the area, and much more. Furthermore, plaques are staged around the parks with historical information of the site that enrich the tourist experience while taking in the beautiful landscape and learning about the

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