Descriptive Essay: All Quiet On The Western Front

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Introduction: Dark clouds settled above, forever watching the monstrous scene forming below. Flashes of lightning lit up the caliginous sky, a temporary false dawn. Rain moulded the once solid ground into a sodden, quagmire mess. War was the worst at night; when the fear of whistling bombs deprived soldiers of sleep and dreams of drowning in a green sea caused their hearts to palpitate. It was then, that they were left with their undesired thoughts. Waiting, watching, for the next barrage. The men sat silent and still; their thoughts repressing them from distant rest. Their eyes were empty sockets, stripped raw by the weight of their experiences in war. Settled amongst the soldiers on the Western Front, a distinctively younger boy stood out from the rest, eyes vibrant, ardent for some desperate glory. Complication 1: The boy’s eyes scanned the surrounds of the trench that he was not yet accustomed to. It was only dawn today when his prevarication had paid off, and he was to discover the reality of his …show more content…

The shells cut through the air, and landed in the centre of the trench, dirt sprayed up and pattered down like rain. An ecstasy of fumbling erupted in the once calm trench. Chaotic men fitted the clumsy helmets just in time, their faces cloaked behind the same emotionless glass expressions. All but one managed to evade the intoxicating gas that night. In the minutes following the attack, the trench was as quiet as a vacuum, creating an overwhelming sense of emptiness. The cries were initially quiet and distant, but then rising from the ominous silence began a harrowing orchestra of death. Under a sea of green the young boy was helplessly drowning. His once vibrant eyes were now withering in fear, succumbing to the sinister actions of the enemy. Finally he surrendered to the satanic gas. White hanging face lying still, like a devil’s sick of

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