Describe the treatment of Jews in Germany in the Years 1933 - 1937

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The Treatment of Jews in Germany in the Years 1933 - 1937

When Hitler became chancellor in 1933, the treatment of the Jewish

population in Germany, gradually became worse and worse. The worst

treatment, however, went to the adults. In April 1933, SS troopers

threw thousands of Jewish shopkeepers, doctors and civil servants out

of their jobs. Some were even taken to concentration camps to work,

sometimes until death. By the time this had settled down, those Jews

who did have their shops were boycotted by Nazi troops. Many Germans

attacked Jews on the streets, and by the end of 1933, 36 Jewish people

had been murdered. Due to all of this harsh treatment, many Jews fled

from Germany to other foreign countries. In 1933, over 35,000 Jewish

men, women and children fled from Germany. Hitler also made an order

to open concentration camps. These were places of death and disease,

where opponents of the Nazis and Nazi ideals were locked up. Even

'regular' Germans who were friendly with Jewish people were locked up.

This was all part of Hitler's plan, to become the leader of the

supreme party in the Reichstag. This meant total power, and no


This continued into 1935, when Hitler passed the Nuremberg Laws. These

laws stated that:

1. "Marriages between Jews and Citizens of German Blood are forbidden"

2. "Jews are not permitted to employ any female German Citizen under

the age of 45 for domestic help"

3. "No Jew can be a German Citizen"

Number 3 restricted all Jews. All Public places were able to restrict

Jewish People i.e. Swimming Pools, Parks and playing fields.

Meanwhile, in German Schools, German Children were tought to

Discriminate against all Jews. They were tought Nazi Ideology and had

special lessons on how to treat Jews. They were tought to hate. If a

Jew happened to be a member of a German School, they were

discriminated against in front of the whole class. Children of every

walk of life were tought to hate Jews.

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