Describe My Work Experience Essay

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2. Describe any work experience which you feel relates to your artistic goals. I have never had a real job, but I have taken commissions and sold pieces since seventh grade. I knew from a young age that I wanted to be an artist and that the job title emphasized entrepreneurship and self employment. These past few years, I have spent my time promoting my art and trying to establish myself with a strong base. My work experience includes making art, website building, talking to potential buyers, and selling art. Because of the different facets of my job, I have initiated a web of important connections and gained the skills necessary for being self employed. I have learned to vary my streams of income as only having a website or only selling at galleries is not feasible or wise as it is important to create a financial safety net and vary clients. Through commissions and freelancing, I have become better at interacting with others, developing different styles that suit each piece, and making sales. One definitive example of success that culminated through all this work was the opening night of the first gallery show I was in. Not only did I meet hundreds of people, I also learned what it meant to be a working artist. The …show more content…

I felt freedom and relief, so I relaxed, worked out, and ate my first PB&J sandwich. Fifteen minutes later I collapsed in the shower and threw up some blood that did not come from the recipe. It was July 1st and for the next month I spent over twenty hours everyday in bed from the migraine pain and the next hundred days crying nonstop for hours on end. I could not eat, stand, or art. My doctor said if the migraine came back after another week of prescriptions, I would have to go to the children’s hospital’s neurology department for brain scans. I lived in a state of constant fear as I felt helpless. My ambitions turned from being an entrepreneurial artist to trying to eat toast without

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