Depression And Tenderness In Hamlet

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William Shakespeare's “Hamlet” is a play about a prince named Hamlet who’s father is murdered by his uncle Claudius. Hamlet is persuaded by his father's ghost to take revenge for him and kill Claudius. Hamlet then pretends to go crazy to get evidence that Claudius actually killed Hamlet's father. Hamlet ends up getting evidence that his father was killed by his uncle and takes revenge at the end of the play. The character discussed from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet will be the main character Hamlet. William Shakespeare’s character Hamlet from”Hamlet” possesses many specific character traits that I share as well such as: recklessness, depression, and outspokenness.
William Shakespeare’s character Hamlet possesses the trait of recklessness and …show more content…

2008). Hamlet talks about suicide a lot throughout the play and that is a huge sign of depression. For example Hamlet states “Oh, that this too, too sullied flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew, Or that the Everlasting had not fix'd His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! O God, God!” (1.2.129-132). He states that he wishes his flesh would melt off his body and wishes God wouldn’t have made a law against suicide. He also says “the air—why, it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapors” (2.2.278-290). He is basically saying that the world stinks. The final example to prove Hamlet possesses the trait of depression is “for they are actions that a man might play. But I have that within which passeth show, These but the trappings and the suits of woe.” (1.2.84-86)
Hamlet is also outspoken and throughout the play there are a lot of examples of it. For example Hamlet tells Ophelia “Ay, truly, for the power of beauty will sooner transform honesty from what it is to a bawd than the force of honesty can translate beauty into his likeness.” He tells Ophelia that he has turned her into a whore and he is saying this in front of a big group of people. Another example of this is that Hamlet is continually calling Claudius and Gertrude's relationship incestuas. …show more content…

The first trait that I share with Hamlet is recklessness. For example a couple years ago the lake was frozen and people were walking on the lake. Me and my friends decided to walk on the lake as well. Unlike the rest of the people walking just close to the shore, we decided to walk from one peer to another across the channel of the Black River. Another example of me showing my trait of recklessness is when I punched a kid from Paw Paw at Votech because he was messing with me. He was obviously bigger and stronger than me and it did not turn out good for me. The second trait that I share with Hamlet is depression. For example a couple of summers ago my best friend went to see his father in Virginia and he is who I spent most of my time hanging out with. That summer I became very bored and it was depressing me that I had nothing to do and no one to hangout with. Another example is when I had to put down my dog. I got her for my fifth birthday and I took her all over the place with me. She got a brain tumor and it caused her to become very slow mentally, and my family could tell she was in a lot of pain. We decided it was in her best favor to be put

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