Dental Visit To A Dentist Essay

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Ideally, most children should have their first dental visit by the time they are one-year-old or within six months of their first tooth emerging. Proper oral health is essential to the child's overall health. When teeth are not properly taken care of, it can result in the child receiving poor nutrition, dangerous infections, cause problems with speech development and can lower their self-image. The first dental visit can be overwhelming for a child. Knowing what to expect can make the experience a more positive one for everyone. Before the Visit Choose a dentist who is specialized in working with children. A pediatric dentist can be especially helpful because of the extra training they have received. Talk soothingly to the child about the upcoming visit. Focus on the positive aspects of the appointment such as having …show more content…

If there are any stains, tartar or plaque, a gentle cleaning will be done to thoroughly cleanse the mouth and prevent decay. The dentist or hygienist may demonstrate the proper way to clean the child's teeth with a toothbrush and floss. Any special issues that need to be addressed, such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting or lip sucking, will be discussed and an action plan will be made. After the visit, make sure to schedule their next appointment six months after the first to keep the child's mouth clean and healthy. After the Visit Taking proper care of the child's teeth in-between dental cleanings is essential to prevent decay and problems from occurring. clean infant and toddler's teeth with a damp cloth after each meal by the age of 2, a soft toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste should be used by the parent to gently clean the teeth children ages 6 and older can brush their teeth on their own with adult supervision The first dental visit will be a successful one with proper preparation and by taking special care on the day of the

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