Demonstrate Personal Integrity

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First and foremost, demonstrate personal integrity. Highly regarded superintendents demonstrate honesty and commitment to follow through in all interactions with board members, faculty, support staff, parents, students, and the community. Moreover, it is imperative for a superintendent to show care. Trusted and respected superintends take a personal interest in the well-being of others. This provides a feeling of self-worth and respect. Trust must be the cornerstone of all interaction.

Be accessible. Superintendents earn trust from the members of the school and community by encouraging open communication and actively making themselves available to board members, teachers, parents, students, staff, and community. It is important for superintendents …show more content…

The local school is an integral part of the fabric of its community. Each is a mirror of the other; the success of one entity is naturally reflected in the other. Studies have shown that everyone in a community gains from good schools. A good school increases property values and improves the quality of life for all members of the community. Furthermore, community involvement fosters a trusting relationship. School improvement efforts have more staying power when parents and community members understand them. Failing to involve community members in decisions affecting public education often results in apathy, distrust or confrontation. Teachers, principals and superintendents know that parents’ interest and involvement in their child’s learning can have a profound effect on a child’s success in school. Studies show when parents and community members are engaged in schools, students perform better, attendance increases and dropout rates are lower. Establishing community mentoring programs is a great way to start. Furthermore, we also have to meet the community and not necessarily the community meeting us. In other words, sending out a flyer asking the community to come to a meeting at school may result in a low turnout. Sometimes the meeting may be more suited at a church, a restaurant, wherever the community …show more content…

Instead of judging people by their past, stand by them and help them build their future. Everyone has a past. Yes, some shine brighter than others. Some are a source of pride, and others are best left behind. But whatever their past, people do change and grow, so instead of judging, stand by and support them as they move toward their future. Treat them with respect and make their journey your own.

2. Listen with curiosity, speak with candor, and act with integrity. Listening and curiosity allow relationships to thrive. Speaking your truth allows people to be honest with themselves and with you, and acting with integrity keeps relationships on a high standard. Relationships need curiosity to grow, candor to deepen, and integrity to continue.

3. Treat everyone with kindness--not because they are kindhearted, but because you are. One of the greatest gifts we can give another is kindness. If someone is in need, lend a helping hand. Don't do it only for the people you like and respect--that's easy--but also for the ones who drive you crazy and those you don't even know. True kindness lies in the act of giving without the expectation of getting something in

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