Demarketing And Consumer Behavior Case Study

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Impact of Demarketing on Consumer Behavior Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Overview Demarketing is a negative marketing approach used by manufactures to bring down demand of certain products. These strategies however don’t intend to destroy demand. It is one of the techniques used to influence customer attitude and behavior over specific products and services. This study shows how demarketing as a tool plays a role in limiting demand in respect to its supply of a particular product, and may even discourage the customer towards another particular product considering the situation permanently or temporary. In this study we investigate how demarketing techniques play with the loyalty of the customer towards specific brand and force the customer to give a second thought towards the product they use, and whether they stick towards their brand or make a second choice. Customer satisfaction being …show more content…

This may lead to change in customer preferences or may influence the customer to change their choice. Since the demarketing tool is used for attaining a positive aim, customers getting influenced is surely a gain, but those customers which do not get influenced are the main challenge that need to be convinced. 1.7 Research Gap Demarketing being a new concept not much investigated globally, especially in Pakistan, is gaining attention of the strategy makers and marketers in the environmental world. As the organizations are running towards going green and saving the Earth, more and more stress is being put on saving the scarce resources as well as limiting the use of harmful elements. However, Pakistan being a still developing country, not much focus is being given to this phenomenon and therefore not much data and information related to demarketing in Pakistan is available in researches and articles. 1.8 Chapter

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