Dehumanization In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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In the novel, Lord of the flies, young boys are in a plane crash and land on an island. The boys are by themselves on the island with no adults. I personally think think the cause of them turning into savages was because of their environment. In the fiction novel, Lord of the flies, by William Golding, he wrote about characters who are kids, that got stranded on an island. They were in a plane crash. The main characters are Jack and Ralph. They didn’t know each other before the crash, they just met on the island. Conflicts occur when the boys disagree, or when they run of out of resources. And lastly, when they witness the beast, conflicts arise. There are 2 possible reasons that the boys could have turned into savages, biological factors or their environment. I know if they weren’t stranded on an island, they wouldn’t have to be savages. In the nonfiction article I read that, “ He wanted to show the dehumanization and loosening of social and moral values that can happen in situations”. The article was an experiment of humans in isolation for extreme amount of times. The quote showed how people will go crazy by himself, it showed evidence as of why the Lord of the Flies, young men. went mentally ill. This passage connects by giving an example of Lord of the Flies. …show more content…

The boys trying to make decisions on their own could damage them. “ Teens must act on an endless parade of choices, as a result, adolescents often find themselves trapped between their impulsive tendencies ( just do it!) and their newly found ability to make well formed, and logical choices” This is an excerpt was by Amanda Leigh Mascarelli, and it means the boys in LOTF were just learning how to make decisions, and that is what affected them. This passage connects to LOTF by explaining why them not having parents affected them

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