Dehumanization In Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis

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Kafka suspends reality and states that Gregor wakes up as a bug, asking readers to accept this distortion. Gregor’s transformation into an insect was not a physical transformation, but rather a metaphorical one which symbolized his complex feelings of isolation, dehumanization, and alienation.

Gregor had struggled through feelings of isolation prior to and following his transformation. At his work he found that although he came into contact with many people, there were “no relationships that last[ed] or [got] more intimate. (1.4) On top of this, Gregor had no life outside of work. He failed to maintain any meaningful relationships, leaving him isolated and alone. At home Gregor would lock his doors like he would do at work when travelling,
Grete decided to remove the furniture from Gregor’s room, cutting of his last connection to his normal life. Gregor realized that “by removing his furniture [they] were showing him that [they] have given up all hope of his getting better and are leaving him to his own devices without any consideration”. Through the removal of the furniture it shows that Gregor’s family denies his humanity. However, Gregor’s transformation is only to emphasize Gregor’s feelings as his family realizes they no longer need him. Kafka distorts reality to straightforwardly convey the dehumanization Gregor faces in his real life through his work and family.

Always feeling like he does not belong, Gregor faces strong feelings of alienation in his life. He is never able to escape these feelings as he is rejected at both work and at home. When Gregor loses his job and his position as the sole provider, his family begins to view him as a repulsive insect. Kafka physically transforms Gregor into vermin to show how others truly view his existence as a human. The lodgers that come to stay with the Samsa’s are rather symbols for society, depicting how society would react to Gregor’s transformation. They further alienate Gregor by further making him feel like the outcast who does not have a place in society. The three men perceive Gregor as a waste of human life, portrayed by Kafka as a literal insect, having no human

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