Definition Essay On Stereotypes In High School

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Stereotype. What is a stereotype to you? To many, a stereotype is a judgment, an opinion with little to no information regarding someone or something. An opinion that sets them aside from others, that can have a negative impact on their future. A high schooler has their future in their hands, or so they think. In high school, we spend four years dedicating ourselves to receive the best grades possible. We have endless dreams and goals and for many, getting into a four-year university is one of them. The requirements for entering a university are difficult. Many hours are spent on completing homework assignments, and studying. A test that many students spend countless of hours getting ready for is the SATs. Now, we have come along way from …show more content…

You would uncover, a very diverse group of people. The question here is, what would go through your head as you passed by a girl wearing all black? Or a guy with books in his hand and glasses? A cheerleader conversing with her friends. A boy wearing a letterman's jacket, and playing catch with one of his peers. You probably assumed that the girl wearing all black was ‘emo,’ the guy carrying books and wearing glasses was a ‘nerd,’ the cheerleader was talking about drama, and the guy wearing the lettermen’s jacket was a jock. Stereotypes categorizes people into separate standings. Which impact the way people, and especially students interact with each other. 59% of the dinuba student interviewees experience stereotypes at school outside, and 14.9% experienced them with their friends more than with their family. Not only are stereotypes present in student’s academic career but also their social life. Students are categorized into many different standings, jocks, nerds, emos, band geeks, hipsters. Stereotypes can affect what type of relationships students can have with each other. The shy girl would never talk to the cheerleader in fear of being made fun of. Because of the cheerleader being “mean” and “rude.” A valuable friendship could have been made, but stereotypes embed specific type of labels that have a negative impact on people's …show more content…

One student stood out through, a 12th grade female stated “...It's all in control of the individual perhaps take the first step into initiative and stop stereotyping, and be more open minded.” We are quickly to be hurt and shocked when we, ourselves are stereotyped but we then go and stereotype others. Although I agree with being yourself and ignoring the judgement, I also believe people should take a look at themselves and ask what they could do to stop stereotypes. The answer is, to simply stop stereotyping people yourself. The way you stop stereotyping people is to not fall a custom to what society’s norms of people are. Learn about people’s backgrounds, their beliefs, their culture, who they are as a person. Only then is it okay to judge someone.

Stereotypes have a negative impact on people, they determine many factors in your life. From affecting kids education to them building healthy relationships. We should be judging our structure in ourselves and how we are the cause of stereotypes spreading. Even though stereotypes were here long before our generation, we could help minimize the spread of stereotypes, but unfortunately not end them. Because just like air, they will always be

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