Can We Prevent Stereotypes

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Many people say that stereotyping is in their nature, but is it really? Is it in your nature to hurt others and bring them to a substantial low? Stereotypes are nothing but those assumptions that have become common knowledge that lack the truth. Since us humans are unique in many ways people tend to judge us on how we look, what we believe in, and sometimes what we like to do. These judgements are called stereotypes. We don’t really think about how they are caused, what they do to us, or how we can stop it. I believe that stereotypes are overlooked, but now we can address it. There are many different types of stereotypes that people have created. Most of them are offensive to the person or people that have been stereotyped. Some stereotypes …show more content…

In fact there are many ways to deal with or prevent a stereotype in general. The first thing you can do is to “not be overly nice to the object of your stereotyping” from the article “Can We Prevent Stereotypes?”. If you are too nice to the person that has been judging others then that person will think it’s ok to do what they’re doing. When they think it’s okay then they will continue to do what they do. “Can We Prevent Stereotypes?” also states to “learn to recognize and avoid generalizations”. This means you should analyze the statement first. Use common sense and say “Does this really make sense?”, “Are you sure it’s true?”. The last thing “Can We Prevent Stereotypes?” suggest is to take time and think. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions and let yourself get sad thinking right away that the statement is true. Sit down for a minute and think to yourself. I believe that the best way to prevent or cope with a stereotype is to show the person who is judging you, you’re better than a statement that is ‘supposed’ to define you. Everyone is unique and just because a person who is similar to you in race, ethnicity, gender, or sexuality does a terrible act it doesn’t mean that you

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