Definition Essay On Hope

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What is hope? Is it just an imaginative word we put faith in? Hope could be a word that sparks possibility in a person's eyes, but does that make it real? Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. It’s a word a lot of people believe in, just to carry them through their own situations. Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for something to happen. A young woman who's struggling to get her life together, and is on her last strength will believe in hope. Hope to this woman is everything; she may have faith that her religion will save her, but can it? When you're a strong woman facing turmoil like being a single mother, dealing with abuse, or even just fighting your own insecurities you lean on the possibility of hope, but what will reality choose? Therefore hope is supposed to clear your mind of the negative thoughts and input positive thoughts to make you feel like you can …show more content…

As a person who's been through hell and back with her own situations, hope is something I never turned to. Feeling secure within yourself will give you the real confidence that you need. Dealing with my own insecurities in high school, it led to me putting these boys I was messing with in front of my family. I went through a moment where I just wanted attention all the time from guys, so I was stealing from my family, I was sneaking them in the house, and when everything came to a blow my parents had to make a decision. That decision was to have me leave the house, and when I was told that I my heart broke. When I was going through those issues, I didn't look to hope, but I strove for forgiveness. Hope can lead you to accept your situation, but forgiveness was my goal. Prayer, belief, faith all words to help sooth are mind; as calming as they are they are also words to help you accept your own

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