Define Courage Definition

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What is courage? The definition defines it as something you can do on command. But it takes courage to do a courageous act. To be courageous in a person's eyes can be like a heroic act in another. When a person is courageous, it shows how strong that specific person is. Some people define it as being brave, but it is much much more than that. I was courageous when I first rode a roller coaster with my father. I can remember the day like it was yesterday. I was six years old at Hershey Park. It was a cold night and my dad had decided that I was tall and old enough to ride a roller coaster. When he asked me I was really scared at first. Being six The Comet was a huge ride for me and made my heart skip two beats. I decided to myself that if I wanted to be a big girl, I had to do it. No acceptions. It was near the end of the 10 minutes my dad had given me to think about the roller coaster and I made up my mind that I was going to do it, though I did overthink it. I told my dad that I wanted to be able to ride the big roller coasters, so I will start with the small one first! My father and I marched our way to The Comet to stand in the line, the line was long and gave me time to think about what I was going to be riding. It was scary at first, I'll admit. But by the time I had gotten to the front of the line and strapped in I was full of adrenaline. …show more content…

But, there was no turning back. The bumps of the wooden roller coaster made me very car-sick. I eventually got used to the feeling and threw my hands in the air. The ride was absolutely marvelous! After the ride was over I was a bit dizzy, but soon my head cleared up. I talked and talked about it for hours until my father took me to ride the Super Duper Looper. I had a splendid time at Hershey Park and I’m glad I decided that I was going to ride my first roller coaster. To this day I ride coasters with my dad all the time, it's our favorite thing to

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