Declamatory Acting Skills

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1. What are some skills an actor must possess?
According to the text, some skills that an actor should have are the ability to generate a sense of excitement from the audience, the ability to invoke a sense of fear in seemingly dangerous situations, physical attractiveness, and the ability to keep the audience’s attention by being fully committed to the work being performed (Cohen 78).
2. Describe the “declamatory” style of acting (“outside/in” acting).
Cohen explains that the declamatory style of acting can be made up of acting from the outside, such as in a presentational performance, or from the inside, such as in a representational performance (Cohen 68). The main difference between outside and inside acting is that in outside acting, the …show more content…

4. Who was Konstantin Stanislavsky and why was his work with Anton Chekov at the Moscow Art Theatre important to acting?
Konstantin Stanislavsky was a Russian theatre artist who was highly focused on creating a way for actors to act more naturally, using their own unique experiences to enhance the emotions they portrayed onstage (Cohen 73). According to Cohen’s text, Stanislavsky’s work with Anton Chekov, who was a playwright from Russia, heavily influenced the world of acting because his insightful approach to acting was widely embraced by many performers, especially in the United States (Cohen 73).
5. Describe briefly each of the following “method training” approaches.
• The “Magic If”: The magic if is when an actor uses their own reaction to an event or circumstance as if they were living it in real life, as opposed to trying to mimic how a character would react (Cohen

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