Death Of Juliet In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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“From forth the fatal Ioins of these two foes A Pair of star-crossed lovers take their life; Whole misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents’
Rage, Which, but their children’s end,naught could remove,
Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage; The which,if you with patient ears attend. What here shall miss,our toil shall strive to mend.” (2,5, 14) These lines from the prologue of the shakespeare from Romeo and Juliet Foreshadows the death of the montague and capulet kids due to the
Feud between their families and parents. Romeo and Juliet did fall In love after a few hours of knowing each other.
They knew their families weren’t going too be happy to hear that they loved each other and wanted to get married. The reasons were Montague and Capulet family didn’t get along. Second reason was romeo and juliet should have told their parents maybe they would of helped and finished the feud. Third reason Juliet's parents wanted her to marry paris which she didn’t truly love. …show more content…

The reason for them not getting along was because of a fight that happen a couple of years back. The kids wanted to keep everything on the low a secret because they knew things would get worse for them if they said something about it. The love they had for each other was intensely and deeply strong. That was something that help them stay strong even though they knew their families would never get

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