Dbq Political Parties

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Political parties developed in 1787 that was a long time ago. They did not just come out of the blue. Why did people start political parties? Well, there are some complicated reasons why political parties were developed. People have different minds and different thoughts on things they also have freedom. What are some of the problems caused by political parties? There are various problems of political parties, death, insults, inequality Political parties were developed because Hamilton and Jefferson had strong differences with issues of the new government. From document one differences between Hamilton and Jefferson, it stated that Hamilton wanted a strong federal government and Jefferson wanted a small government. The national bank was Hamilton's idea meanwhile on the other side was Jefferson declaring The Bank of the United States unconstitutional. Jefferson wanted a strict interpretation of the constitution while Hamilton wants it to be broad or loose. One reason political parties were developed because Hamilton and Jefferson almost never agreed on any of the issues with the new government having mighty differences. That was one reason on why political parties were developed here is another reason. Political parties developed in the United States for many reasons. According to document three titled Jefferson on Parties …show more content…

On document six The Death of Alexander Hamilton, it says that “ Political parties led to more than just a debate and competition. At times people grew to distrust and even hate each other due to political differences.” That means people hated each other because of political differences. Political rivalry leads to violence and sometimes people are not that fortunate. Burr and Hamilton grew to be harsh rivals to the point on July 11, 1804, Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel Hamilton received a mortal wound and died the next

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