Dbq Imperialism Analysis

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The years 1870 to 1914 presented the height of one of the most influential times in history; the rise of imperialism. Imperialism is when one country takes possession and control of another country by force. This stronger country may directly or indirectly control the conquered country’s government, trade and culture. Many countries at the time believed that “There needs to be no hesitation in affirming that colonization, in the present state of the world, is the best affair of business in which the capital of an old and wealthy country can engage.” (Document 1, pg. 51) Imperialism has various different forms and motives, but the major reasoning behind it was a “duty to size every opportunity of acquiring more territory” (Holt Modern World …show more content…

An example of this is India to Great Britain. A third form of imperialism is protectorates, which is when the native ruler officially kept his title, but was in fact controlled by Europeans. Furthermore, “spreading light… without taking part in the affairs of world… seeing as a trap.” (Document 4) is another description of protectorates as controlling without taking part. The final form of imperialism is spheres of influence, meaning an area where a country had an interest or idea and other countries agreed to respect that interest. (Holt Modern World History, pg. …show more content…

A countries motivations may have been supported by either cultural, economic, or nationalistic reasons. Cultural motivation partly consisted of racial superiority. An example being that “superior races have a right [to interfere with other cultures] because they have a duty.” (Document 4, pg. 54) Some refer to this cultural duty as “The White Man’s Burden” Another possible motivation included economic reasons. Countries wanted more natural resources “Hence the need to have… a supply of coal… supply, shelters, ports for defense.” (Document 4, pg. 54) European countries also wanted to be independent from each other; depending on an enemy is a weakness. A final reason of nationalism may have also played a part during imperialism. Countries wanted to be stronger and more proud, “Europe benefited by the wonderful increase in amenities of life.” (Document 8, pg. 58) These reasons all played a part in motivating countries to take part in imperialism and the conquering of other

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