Daycare Research Paper

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A 24/7 Daycare Could Be The Solution To Your Babysitting Needs

While most daycare centers try to stay open until the evening hours to accommodate parents who work during the day, it's not as easy to find a center that is open 24 hours a day. If you work various shifts, finding a babysitter can be challenging when you have to work overnight. Fortunately, there are some daycare centers that are open 24/7 so you can drop off your kids when you have to work nights or weekends. Here are a few advantages of this type of child care.

Overnight Care Centers May Take Older Kids

While traditional daycare centers normally care for babies through elementary school ages, centers that are open all night may take in older kids too. You might be okay with leaving an older child home alone for a couple of hours in the afternoon, but staying home alone all night is a different story. This allows all your kids to stay together at night at the same center even though they may sleep in separate parts of the building.

24-Hour Daycare Centers May Offer Other Perks

If you go to work at 6:00 in the morning, you may struggle with getting your child up and off to school, especially if school doesn't start until a few hours later. Since a 24-hour daycare is …show more content…

You might even prefer to let your child stay overnight rather than wake them at midnight for the ride home. This allows you and your spouse to have a date night without worrying about what to do with the kids and whether they are safe. A good daycare center has programs to keep your kids entertained, so they may enjoy going to the center on date night as much as you enjoy going out. While your children will be expected to sleep during the night, the evenings may be filled with games and movies that make spending time in daycare

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