David Kempf's Travel Bag

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If I had to describe Travel Bug in a word it would be “Edgy”, thought-provoking also comes to mind. David Kempf takes you someplace in this novel I’m not sure every reader is ready for. Moving fluidly through space and time the story line brings you effortlessly through several narratives, some of which that may lay on the darker side of man’s heart. A touch dystopian, a heavy heaping of science fiction and a good dose of exposing the flaws in the human condition, Travel Bug will keep you thoroughly entertained from the first page to the last and then wanting more, it even may keep you up at night. When a book’s plot is constructed in layers and has dimensions that will leave you discovering something new even after you’ve read it for the tenth time, it’s a true sign and testament to the intelligences of the author. …show more content…

Kempf’s reading style is also a strong positive to this novel; he uses a fair amount of transitional phrasing and adjectives to really paint a vivid picture for the reader. A lot of sifi readers don’t properly portray their vision of the fictional world they’ve created and therefore it becomes hard for the reader to correctly envision where the author wants to take him or

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