Dating Violence Prevention Essay

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“One in three adolescents in the U.S. are a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner, a figure that far exceeds rates of other types of youth violence,” (Antoinette 1). When people think of dating violence they think of physical violence not emotional or verbal abuse. Even though physical violence is a big issue no one thinks of emotional/verbal abuse. Obviously, physical violence has physical effects, but that doesn’t mean that emotional/verbal abuse is any less common. Dating violence is problematic because it causes psychological, emotional and physical effects; in order to address this issue, we need to talk about it, educate not just the potential victims but also the potential offenders, and not tolerate …show more content…

One solution is for teens to be more educated about it and to be taught what some signs are. Students need to be taught early like in middle school about dating violence and the bullying that goes with it. (Solutions to Teen Dating Violence: Three Perspectives 3). The biggest way to prevent dating violence is to teach it. Kids from a young age need to be taught that treating a partner in a not nice way, is not good. When you start to have kids you need to remember to be a good role model and teach your kids how to behave when dating someone, show them that you need to be respectful, egalitarian, and loving in your own relationship. (Professional Help: 5 Ways to Stop Dating Violence Among Teens 3). Unfortunately, we will never be able to stop dating violence fully, but you are able to learn more about dating violence and learn the best ways to prevent it and if you or someone you know is in a relationship with dating violence. If you are in a relationship with dating violence there are many options for you to take: “[T]ake it seriously, [I]f you are in immediate danger, call 911, talk to someone about it, [G]et a reality check, [I]f you aren't ready to break up, make a safety plan, [A] Teen Services Advocate can help you with this, [I]f you need shelter or someone to talk to, call our 24-hour crisis line at 964-5245, call our Teen Services Program, [W]e can help with restraining orders, safety planning, education, support, and other needs you may have,” (About our Teen outreach Program 5). Now if you know someone who is in a relationship that has dating violence you can do things to like: “[B]elieve the person, [T]ell the person it is not her/his fault, and nobody deserves to be abused (no matter what the partner says), [D]on't try to force the person to break up. When the person is ready, she/he will leave, [O]ffer your support, and refer your friend to the resources above, [E]ducate yourself about

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