Dary And Johnny In The Outsiders

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In the book, The Outsiders, by S.E. Hilton, three greaser brothers are forced to live alone as their parents pass away, and are faced with many challenges throughout the book. Ponyboy, the youngest, and his brother, Sodapop, are forced to be raised by their older brother, Darry. There is some controversy as Ponyboy finds himself breaking the law and there is debate on whether he should be taken in by the system and leave the gang, or stay with Darry, who can provide for him and love him. Darry can’t watch him all the time, but he can keep a roof over his head and food on his plate. Ponyboy should also stay because he is happy and has the gang to protect and love him. Darry also has two jobs to provide for soda and ponyboy and he makes enough …show more content…

This happens because Darry accidentally hit Ponyboy and he ran away with Johnny, then they are jumped and Johnny is forced to kill to save Pony from drowning. “I had to. They were drowning you, Pony they might have killed you” (Ch. 4, Pg. 57). This shows that Johnny did it to save Pony, and it also shows that Pony has many people that would do anything to keep him safe. Furthermore, this illustrates that Darry regretted hitting Pony, and would be more protective of him. The environment that Pony is in is harsh, but if he stays strong he will stay out of harm's way. “You get tough like me and you don’t get hurt. You look out for yourself and nothin’ can touch you…”(Ch. 9, Pg. 147). This shows that Dally, another member of their gang, is also looking out for him. Moreover this shows that it is possible for him to remain with Darry and stay safe. The only way that Pony could get into trouble, or get hurt is if he puts himself in a bad …show more content…

He thought this because Darry always either yelled at him or ignored him. “It was my house as much as Darry’s, and if he wanted to pretend I wasn’t alive, that was just fine with me” (Ch. 3 Pg. 52). This shows that Ponyboy thought Darry only loved Sodapop. Furthermore, this also illustrated that Pony misunderstood Darry’s thinking, when in reality he only yelled at him because he cared about him. Pony also thinks that Darry doesn’t care for him and thinks that he is annoying. “He’s as hard as a rock and about as human… he thinks i’m a pain in the neck. He likes Soda-everybody likes Soda- but he can’t stand me”(Ch. 3, Pg. 42). This shows that Pony thinks he is unloved, but he is loved more than he could ever imagine. Moreover, this shows that Sodapop might be Darry’s favorite, but Darry gets more concerned about Pony, and worries about him more and feels that he must reprimand Pony to keep him safe. Ponyboy always misunderstood Darry’s way of keeping him safe and out of

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