Dark Origins Of Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day was made from love, right? If you believe this, you are like most people. What if I told you that you were wrong? In "Dark Origins of Valentine's Day" by Arnie Seipel describes why these theories are incorrect. Also, in "The Truth Behind St. Valentine's Day" the author describes the rituals the Ancient Romans did to celebrate. Valentine's Day was made from death not love. People should be told the real stories of this holiday. They should know who the real St. Valentine was, and what rituals they celebrated in honor of his death.

Initially, the idea of Valentine's Day should be rethought because it was a holiday that was created by death. First of all, marriage was illegal by Claudius, who was enslaving the Romans. "Executed two men by that name." Valentine was caught by illegally marrying Christian couples. In the spirit of another character of this holiday, " strike unsuspecting men and women, causing them to fall madly in love. He did not do this for their benefit, but to drive them crazy with intense passion, to make their lives miserable, and to laugh at the results." This shows that not all the Valentine's day blockbusters are out of love. Overall, Valentine's day should be rethought because it originated by them killing someone who wanted love to exist. …show more content…

One ritual is that men would whip women with the animals they had just slain. "They believed this would make them fertile." Men would do this however many times they wanted to. Also, "The boy and girl's whose name were drawn would become a couple." They sometimes would get married after if they believed they had love at first sight. Overall, Valentine's Day should be retreated because the rituals were insane and were covered up by

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